Social Entrepreneurship Saturdays — One Future Collective

Seeba Bhojani
3 min readNov 20, 2020


1. Each of the domains discussed on ‘October 31st, 2020’:

Model of the enterprise:

It is a Section 8 company registered as Moraka Leadership Foundation and One Future Collective as a Trademark. It aims to develop into a hybrid model by the year 2020.

Importance of this organization:

For creating intersectional feminism. The structure of institutions is such that it creates inequalities, which this organizations aims for reforming.

Organizational Journey:

With the aim of providing solutions to the deep rooted problems rather than just symptomatic solutions, this organization started in the year 2017. Since then it went on to expand by including different services for different kinds of marginalized sections of the society. The core belief of the organization is that radically kinder world is more just and equitable. Their services range from knowledge capacity building, nurturing safe spaces, advocacy, feminist mental health and legal services and youth engagement — in the areas of gender justice, mental health, feminist leadership.


With more than 4000 learning hours, 40+ clients and 12 fellows, the organization has impacted around 1,00,000 people in different ways.

They have built the capacity of around 2,500 persons for social leadership.

This impact is measured in qualitative aspects such as:

Instilled values of empathy and compassion, increase in the knowledge, awareness, social consciousness among the participants in different learning activities, etc.

Their core principles are:

With the mission of Nurturing radical kindness to bring about a significant change, they have held it as their value as well.

They strongly believe that if there is social justice then there is no need of social service, hence it forms one of their principle of providing social justice and not merely doing social service.

While other core principles are — with people, doing everything with great love, allowing ourselves to care, learning constantly.


Some of the values integral to the organization are:

Empathy, love, community, Excellence, Integrity, Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion, Growth, Passion, Reciprocity, Hope.

2. Organisational culture:

The culture of the organization is such that the employees are encouraged to give their best. This is done by putting in the trust in employees, rather than forcing in rules.

The employees are given freedom to choose their working hours, and they have a flexible leave policy which entrusts ownership with responsibility with the employees to do their work with full integrity.

3. Three takeaways from the speaker’s journey

1. Consultation could be a good source of income. Understand the skills that are saleable which will get consultation projects.

2. Got different ideas for designing revenue model for my enterprise.

3. Design your program and initiatives for the people at margin, the people at the center will automatically be served.

4. Three comments on the organisation structure

1. The structure of the organization has 4 levels divided into leadership team, executive tea, interns volunteers team, and One Future Community. They are closely integrated and function in the way that they do get autonomy in different domains.

2. It includes different kinds of people which brings certain amount of versatility in the organization.

5. Two practices, which you thought are very unique, and could be replicated

1. Flexible leave policy

2. Looking at character and value system while recruiting rather than culture match.

6. Two practices/policies which you aren’t convinced about, stating reasons for the same and your way of achieving the same goal.

1. Flexibility in payment to OFC employees — not sure how standards could be maintained so I won’t do this in my organization.

7. You can add your takeaway/ input/ understanding/ assessment or comparison with a similar organization, from your experience.

1. Assigning mentors certain projects so they are involved in the work, understand it and guid accordingly.

2. Formal contracts need to be forged with anyone you get money from.

3. Unshakeable core of ethics is a must that will build a decent culture in the organization.

4. Involve even the volunteers in leadership decisions. This can be done by involving them in the non-financial decisions.

5. Cover letter more important while recruiting. Tells you how serious the candidate is about working with you. Shows how well it has spent time in understanding your organization.

